“You don’t like feeling that way? So change it!”
“Life isn’t meant to be easy.”
“This is what life is like. Get used to it.”
“Pull yourself together.”
“Who said that life is fair?”
“You just have to get on with things.”
“At least it’s not that bad.”
“Stop feeling sorry for yourself.”
“You have so many things. What do you have to feel down about?”
“You just need to cheer up.”
“Quit trying to be a martyr.”
“Stop taking all those medicines.”
“I know how you feel. I’ve been depressed for whole days at a time.”
“What you need is a good kick up the backside.”
“Go out and buy yourself some clothes. That will pick you up.”
“Are you sure you don’t have a mental problem?”
“How about I cook you a good meal. That will make things better.”
“Have you tried acupuncture?”
“Get a job!”
“Why don’t you try not being depressed.”
“you should up your dosage”
“Is your medication working”
“If you’d just stop thinking like a victim, you’d get over this. You control your life! Act like it!”
These are from a website I found online about ways to insult someone with depression, although this website was written sarcastically, and not actually making fun of and trying to insult people with depression, it still shows how people who haven't experienced it look at the ones who have. Many people left serious comments on this page about how people have actually said this stuff to them. These reflect my quote perfectly because it shows the view of someone who does not have depression, and how they think it's an act, or that it's "shrug" worthy. The sad thing is that people actually say these things, and are actually hurtful and insulting like this, depression is not something that you can just shrug, and no one can truly understand it, with out experiencing it....
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