

1. A lot of people don't realize that depression is an illness. I don't wish it on anyone, but if they would know how it feels, I swear they would think twice before they just shrug it.
Jonathan Davis

2. I start to think there really is no cure for depression, that happiness is an ongoing battle, and I wonder if it isn't one I'll have to fight for as long as I live. I wonder if it's worth it.
Elizabeth Wurtzel

1. I think this quote is saying that you don't know what something is like until you have experienced it, so you should not be so quick to judge or make assumptions. It seems that most people don't think depression is that big of a deal, and that individuals who claim to be depressed are "lazy", looking for "attention", or even "useless". But how can one truly know, until they themselves have went through depression? The fact is, they can't. This quote is saying that if someone actually knew what depression felt like, then they wouldn't or couldn't say that it's no big deal, or all an act.

2. I think that what Elizabeth means in this quote is that depression is uncurable. I believe that it is something you have to fix, yourself, that you are the only one who can make those changes, and cure yourself. But when you get so depressed, when you get to, or past a certain point, there is nothing you, or anyone can do. You could fight for your whole life to be happy, and may never get that happiness your looking for. It could go either way, you could over come the awful depression your in, or stay in it. But is waiting your whole life to see worth it? To wait for a happiness that may never come?


1 comment:

  1. Can you think of any texts that might help you to relate to these two sides of Depression? You might want to look at the poetry of Sylvia Plath to start. List some other texts below each reflection to help you think about how you might relate as the Tapestry continues.

    I like how you have used questions here to help you think about the theme and its implications. A good start overall.
